I live in the Upper Peninsula (U.P.) of Michigan. Some of you may not realize Michigan has two entirely separate land masses. The U.P. is actually geographically connected to Wisconsin. For those of us who call the U.P. home, the fact that about 80% of the country doesn't know we exist can be a touchy subject. It's a remote area, but it has its own charm to be sure!
Deer hunting is an accepted cultural practice in the U.P. Actually, more than just accepted, it's encouraged in many families and social circles. I'm not originally from the U.P. and was not raised in a "hunting" family. But I married a hunter and have come to respect his love of hunting. Of course, I understand the idea of hunting wild animals is upsetting to some people. And if that's the case for you, maybe don't read any more of this blog. But after many years of exposure to the hunting world, I now absolutely support the ethical hunting of deer. (Unethical hunting is a blog topic for another day).
But what I do not support, and have struggled with most of my married life is the hanging of mounted deer heads on my walls. It's just not for me. However, my husband and sons have a deeply ingrained passion for hunting. And they like mounted deer heads on the walls. They like them a lot. Those mounted deer heads have great meaning to them. I may not understand it, but I have learned to accept it. However, I still don't want deer heads on my walls.
So what's a person to do? Well...I can only tell you how I handled this dilemma. It's not a perfect solution, but there's no turning back now.
Very early in our marriage I explained to my husband that the mounts made me uncomfortable, and I did not want them in the living spaces of our home. He was very understanding, and kept the majority of his mounts at the family hunting camp, at his outdoor store (how handy to own an outdoor store) or in our basement storage room. And all was well for many years. Until he shot a really big elk. And had it mounted on a giant wooden pedestal. And wheeled it into our living room because it was too big to go anywhere else. In a moment of weakness, I acquiesced, and the elk stayed.
Little did I know the elk was only the beginning. It was a mounted animal "gateway" of sorts. Because if you have an elk mount, you can probably have a mule deer mount. And an antelope. And a few whitetail deer. And a really ugly walleye (it belonged to grandpa; how could I say no?). Before I knew it, the situation was completely out of hand and one entire room of our home was taken over with an assortment of mounted animals. And once they make their way in, trust me, they're not leaving.
I've learned to look at the situation more philosophically in recent years. I lived very happily with no mounts on the walls for the first 25 years of our marriage, and my husband will live happily with his mounts on the walls for the next 25 years. I suppose that could be seen as a compromise of sorts. But darn!
On a positive note, antlers are hot right now. Cabin and lodge themed rooms have always featured lots of antlers. But in recent years even upscale decor styles are incorporating antlers (usually not the entire deer head - but at least the antlers). I've been telling myself that antlers are a great design accessory. I'm having marginal success convincing myself, but I'm trying! I have a wonderful husband, with whom I share my life and home. He has made very few design requests over the years. What kind of partner would I be if I suggested his mounts are not worthy of a place in our home? Do I love them? No. I do not. Can I live with them. Of course.
Last month I was a retail event and spotted this deer mount draped in copious amounts of greenery. I suspect my husband and sons will not share my enthusiasm for this new look. But I'll have a new daughter-in-law in a few months and I'm certain she'll jump on board with this wonderfully creative approach to living with deer mounts. Madi - if you're reading this let's go get some garland!!! Lots and lots of garland! :)